Volunteer work


HOnduras mission

As a volunteer photographer, I traveled to the Eastern part of Honduras to photograph and help bring dental and medical services to children in Honduras. The mission lasted 10 days and was organized by Predisan, the organization that administers medical and dental care to the people of Honduras. We traveled to schools outside of Catacamas, Honduras near the Dulce Nombre de Culmi area. Most of the schools were quite remote and the children had never received any dental or medical care. Many of them had never seen a person with blonde hair and I was often called, “dama fantasma” or ghost lady.

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Utah Heart Gallery and the utah adoption exchange

I currently volunteer my time with the Utah Heart Gallery and Adoption Exchange in making sure that every child that needs adopting has a professional photograph. As an adoptee myself, I love working with the kids and getting to know them. The exchange has found that the chances of getting adopted increase with a good portrait online. The photos are displayed at the Utah State Capitol during the month of November and then travel around the country bringing awareness to the need for adoption for older children. There is a night in November where we honor these children and then give them a framed copy of their photo. They are able to share their journeys and connect with other children awaiting adoption. It is truly a privilege to photograph these children and spend time with them.

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pictures for a cause

Pictures for a Cause is a charitable organization that raises money for children in need. This year, the funds went to sweet Jaelyn and her family as she struggles with brain cancer at Primary Children’s Hospital. It was an absolute honor to photograph lots of darling families with Santa and help Jaelyn and her family.